White Wolf Mountain

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White Wolf Mountain

Post by pikapower06 »

The two mountains argued on. They stopped, listening to paws crossing oeer the ground. With a quick smile, they decided to use the wolves in their plot. Figures neared, and they seized up nine of them, cursing them with powers. The wolves were then left, the mouyntains planned to see what would become of these wolves. How would their powers be used?
A black figure walked across the ground, smiling as the bright new plant, just growing into its roots really, was set ablaze. The fire crept up the plant, then jumped over to another, then another, in its thirst for life. Plants were all being turned to ash, nothing much more to make of them, as she had her fun with this newfound 'game' of hers. THe fire disappeared, the sparks dieing away, almost instantly, as she picked up the scent of another Quickly, she slipped into darker areas, wher her ptch black coat would do better justice hiding her. Already, she was sure they'd have seen the fire. How could they not? Byut there was that slim chance she could hide from them. After seeing who it might be, then she might even attack them, possibly setting them ablaze as well. Her paws silently dug into the ground, as she thought patterns drifted off to other places, her restless mind keeping track of the area around her, and also allowing her her rights to think up more devious ideas.
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Cerulean City
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Post by Fallen2grace »

A female wolf with snow white fur stuck out against the fire that surrounded her. She was traped. She closed her eyes and though of a diffrent place as she was taught and when she opend them she was away from the fire. She breathed eaisly untill she saw a figure off to the side of her. She quickly blended in with her surrounding so she wouldnt be seen.

Not far off was another wolf. She was pitch black, she looked at the fire curiosly sniffing it. She wacked her paw at it. As she did this the fire turned to ice. Is howled as if it where lauging. then raised it tempeture to burning.

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Post by seavicky95 »

a gray wolf was skipping along in the forest with her tail held loosely.
she stuck her head up in the ivory air, wrinkling her small nose.
she could sense other wolves, nearby, with an intent to fight.
the gray wolf decided to observe this.

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